Saturday, 2 August 2014


Welcome to my new personal website. One of the first features will be 'A Brief History of the Louth Region in 100 Objects & Sites', starting later today, which is based on my book The Origins of Louth: Archaeology and History in East Lincolnshire, 400,000 BC–AD 1086. Note, I may adjust the number of objects and sites in the title of this series of posts, depending on how it goes, but the aim is to produce an illustrated, fairly easy-to-read, brief and up-to-date online history of the Louth region for the general reader! I also aim to post a variety of other materials alongside this feature. For further details of the intent and general coverage of this website, please see the 'About' page.

The site is launching properly tomorrow and will build up content over time, though the bare bones are up and functioning now, so feel free to have a look around! Incidentally, both of my books on the Louth area have recently been reissued in paperbackplease click on the images to the right if you want more details or to order a copy!